AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) Task 1
1. Used Amazon EKS - Managed Kubernetes Service to deploy a Cluster
2. Created 3 different nodes in the Cluster
3. Created PVC using using Kubernetes and use Installed AWS EFS Utils in all the nodes that have created
4. Deployed a Stack for the Cluster
7. Deployed My Sql Server in one of the Node
8. Deployed Wordpress Server in another Node
9. Hosted a demo Wordpress site and connected internally to Mysql Server
Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) is a managed Kubernetes service that allows you to run Kubernetes on AWS without the hassle of managing the Kubernetes control plane.
>eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yml
— This will create a cluster of 4 nodes in AWS Manages Eks service
>aws eks update-kubeconfig — name MKCLUSTER
This command is to update the cluster in config file of Kubernetes.
Here i am going to create a deployment for MySQL for this i will create a service ,PVC and deployment for MySQL
Now I am going to create a deployment for Wordpress for this I will create a service ,PVC and deployment for Wordpress
Volumes you have to provide in the server: section the DNS name of your EFS.
Here are the volumes created by the formation of the cluster. These all volumes are the default volumes which are created by the EC2 instances and is automatically connected to the EC2 instance. These volumes are Volatile means if the EC2 instances are deleted then these volumes will also get deleted.